Tim Lambda
Snack [05/10/2022 ~ 4:30 PM]
Let’s meet and discuss about the association Lambda, and the integration day !
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Clementine Laurens (ESJ Lille) Kameda Toyojiro and the transfer of the Western theory of probability to...
Paul Freulon [03/05/2022]
Paul Freulon (IMB) An Introduction to the Wasserstein distance in Statistics In this talk, I will...
Haojie Hong [20/04/2022]
Haojie Hong (IMB) Brief introduction to linear forms in logarithm An expression of the form $\beta_1\log\alpha_1+\cdots+\beta_n\log\alpha_n$...
Emanuele Tron [15/04/2022]
Emanuele Tron (IMB) Deux problèmes d’intersections improbables Les intersections improbables sont un formalisme qui regroupe des...
Dorian Martino [30/03/2022]
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Florent Noisette [23/03/2022]
Florent Noisette (IMB) Complete integrability for the KdV equation The aim of the talk is to...
Francesco Stocco [11/03/2022]
Francesco Stocco Classical authentification in Quantum Key Distribution After a brief introduction to cryptography, we will...