Clémentine Laurens [01/06/2022]
Clementine Laurens (ESJ Lille) Kameda Toyojiro and the transfer of the Western theory of probability to...
Association des doctorants en Mathématiques de Bordeaux
The LAMBDA seminar meets approximately once every two weeks, and its main objectives are to
‣ allow doctoral students to present both their research topic and any other topic they like, and to do so in a relaxed and probably less stressful environment than that of a first major conference.
‣ allow doctoral students in the audience to find out what their colleagues are doing, so that fruitful discussions and collaborations are not missed.
‣ to allow everyone more broadly to enrich their culture about « what is currently being done » in mathematics.
Clementine Laurens (ESJ Lille) Kameda Toyojiro and the transfer of the Western theory of probability to...
Paul Freulon (IMB) An Introduction to the Wasserstein distance in Statistics In this talk, I will...
Haojie Hong (IMB) Brief introduction to linear forms in logarithm An expression of the form $\beta_1\log\alpha_1+\cdots+\beta_n\log\alpha_n$...
Emanuele Tron (IMB) Deux problèmes d’intersections improbables Les intersections improbables sont un formalisme qui regroupe des...
Dorian Martino (IMJ) Problème de Plateau et surfaces minimales Comment trouver une surface minimisant l’aire parmi...
Florent Noisette (IMB) Complete integrability for the KdV equation The aim of the talk is to...
Francesco Stocco Classical authentification in Quantum Key Distribution After a brief introduction to cryptography, we will...
Adrien Tendani-Soler Vitesse de propagation infinie et contrôlabilité pour l’équation de Schrödinger : le cas du...
Tiphaine Beaumont Modules d’Anderson et leurs fonctions $L$-équivariantes Soit $K$ un corps global de caractéristique positive...
Nacer Aarach (IMB) Global well-posedness of 3D homogeneous and inhomogeneous MHD system with small unidirectional derivative...